Monday, November 9, 2009

And it begins.. another day

I am lost for words at all the fighting and the bickering amoung friends, i am a part of an awsome support cummunity full of so many wonderful, selfless people and very good friends of mine. This Community is called Angel Baby and is a community of Angel parents, set up so that people can come and find support and in turn give support.

Facebook is another story however, Angel baby has a group on fb and it seems that there is always a problem lately, it seems that every second person is being called a fake and everyone is attacking each other, this is not how its suppose to be! We are all here for the same reason! We have all lost our children, we need to be supporting not attacking, please! just take it easy and remmember why we need each other :( I am beginning to wonder what i am doing here... Why am i sticking around, i dont need any more conflict, i am so down already without seeing my friends fighting and upset... please just leave each other alone.. we need each other

1 comment:

  1. hi hunni..i agree.....i love this blog you have set up for your girls xxxxx please just let what is happening go over your will all come right in the end xxxx love u xxx hugs to you and your precious Angels xxx
